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Tenure Track Scientist (m/f/d) on “Landscape Hydrology”


Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.

The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society. ZALF aims for excellent and integrated research with societal impact. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and is located in Müncheberg (approx. 35 minutes by regional train from Berlin-Lichtenberg). It also maintains research stations in Dedelow and Paulinenaue.

With its Tenure Track System, ZALF aims to recruit excellent scientists with essential expertise by providing a guaranteed transitioning to a permanent contract subject to successful evaluation.

The position will be located in the Research Area “Land Use and Governance” within the Working Group “Lowland Hydrology”. This working group currently focusses on the hydrological system understanding with a particular focus on the interaction between land use and the hydrological system in Pleistocene landscapes.

We are offering at our location in Müncheberg a full-time position as

Tenure Track Scientist (m/f/d) on “Landscape Hydrology”

Reference No. T03-2025

Call description

This Classic Tenure Track Call invites applications of scientists integrating hydrological research from the plot to the landscape scale considering system effects. The position explicitly addresses the analysis of hydrological processes and their complex interplay with various drivers and actors and is associated with the prospect of leading the working group.

The successful candidate is expected to develop this field of research through the following aspects:

  • Integrating ZALF research on soil hydrological processes, gas exchange, isotopes, and agronomy in terms of landscape hydrology
  • Develop innovative approaches to make efficient use of measured and available data to develop and to test sustainable water resources management schemes at the landscape scale
  • Analyze the interchange between vadose zone, groundwater, surface water bodies and wetlands and their spatio-temporal dynamics using integrated hydrological simulation systems
  • Investigate the effects of agricultural management impacts on water related ecosystem services

The call is addressed to dynamic and highly motivated researchers holding a PhD and wishing to develop a career in the area of hydrology sciences. The position requires knowledge in hydrology, hydrogeology, and eco-hydrology. Sound statistical and hydrological modelling skills to analyze hydrological processes in space and time are required. Experience in interdisciplinary projects, collaboration with water resources agencies and communicating with the public would be advantageous. Candidates must have demonstrated their capacity to independently carry out research, including an excellent publication record, successfully acquired competitive third-party funding, and visibility in their respective field of research.

What we offer:

The successful candidate will receive a Regular Tenure Track position (2 x 3 years) with transition to a permanent position, subject to successful evaluations (midterm and final tenure evaluation). If candidates are not legally eligible for two consecutive fixed-term contracts (according to German academic employment law – WissZeitVG), they may enter a Fast Tenure Track (1 x 3 years) if the required scientific achievements are fulfilled. Leading of the working group is envisaged during the tenure phase.


  • Full-time contract, with part-time option to allow for the reconciliation of family and career
  • Salary will follow the guidelines for public employees according to the German TV-L, depending on the personal qualification and agreed responsibilities up to the level of E14
  • Individual options for career support such as a mentoring tandem, courses and trainings as well as variable options to access scientific resources
  • Established infrastructure including highly equipped lysimeters and eddy-covariance monitoring systems
  • An interdisciplinary working environment that encourages independence and self-reliance
  • A collegial and open-minded working atmosphere in a dynamic research institution
  • Relocation within commuting distance of ZALF is welcome; remote working is permitted up to 40% per month
  • Company ticket for public transport

Application and candidate selection

ZALF is an equal opportunities employer (audit berufundfamilie® certificate) and specifically encourages female scientists to apply. Applications of disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be favored.

Application documents must follow the specifications given in the respective guideline available at the ZALF website (www.zalf.de/en/karriere/tenure-track) and include two standardized letters of recommendation of scientists who are familiar with your research accomplishments and academic credentials (template available at Reference_Letter).

Candidate selection is based on scientific achievements, strategic aspects, and personal suitability. Details on criteria, minimum requirements and evaluation processes can be obtained from the ZALF Tenure Track System guideline, which is an official annex to this call: Tenure_Track_Guideline. Please send your application preferably online (see link below). For e-mail application, create a single PDF file and send it to tenuretrack@zalf.de stating the reference number T03-2025.

The deadline for applications is 08 April 2025.

If you have any questions regarding the research profile of this position, please contact Prof. Dr. Sonko Bellingrath-Kimura (Phone +49(0)33432/82-207; Sonoko.Bellingrath-Kimura@zalf.de. For questions regarding the Tenure Track System, please contact Dr. Susanne Kramer (Phone +49(0)33432/82-221; Susanne.Kramer@zalf.de).

The filling of the position is subject to the final decision on the provision of institutional funding.If you apply, we collect and process your personal data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the EU GDPR only for the processing of your application and for purposes that result from possible future employment with ZALF. Your data will be deleted after six months. You can find further information at: www.zalf.de/en/ueber_uns/Pages/Datenschutzerklaerung.aspx


Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF),

Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany

Contact of Human resource management: personal@zalf.de


Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
Prof. Dr. Sonko Bellingrath-Kimura, Dr. Susanne Kramer
033432 82-207; -221
Jetzt bewerben
reference number T03-2025
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